Sunday, December 7, 2008

Small delay in Serena Cashmere Cowl Pattern

The yarn is too small for this pattern but luckily I have 9 balls of the stuff. Now actually when I got the yarn I was just starting out as a knitter and I had decided to make a lace pattern. I had only a vague grasp of yarn sizes and I picked out this cheap yarn that I found on ebay. 9 balls of cashmere for $45 seemed like a good deal. What I didn't know yet was how very small 1 ply is. It was like trying to knit with thread. 
Luckily I have advanced past that stage and I now know all about yarn sizes but I still have those 9 balls to work with. Being a prolific knitter and a curious cat in general I have also been toying with spinning. Now I haven't done anything fancy but I have my fair share of drop spindles. So I have been spinning this 1 ply into 4 ply. I'll just spin 2 of the 4 ply balls together to get 8 ply. 

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