Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Message

Sorry for not posting my projects this time! I made a hat and  a tea cozy. I will add them soon. Right now I feel like rambling a bit. 
I have been too busy with holiday cheer, I guess. Actually my Christmas is quite a bit different than the traditional Christmas. You see, on Christmas 1997 my dad decided to leave the house. Now this is not when they decided to divorce, my mom actually had initiated that because she was afraid he was going to kill himself, this is when he left the house they had been living in.  Needless to say it has ruined Christmas for years. I thought our tradition was to watch one of the movies that just premiered and to have Chinese food but this year we didn't even have Chinese food. We did have ramen on Christmas eve and we did go see Valkyrie. The movie was okay. Usually I don't like Tom Cruise but he did a good job. I thought that the character could have been acted with a little more depth but this movie wasn't relying on character development at all. It was completely and entire based around the plot to kill Hitler. Actually it was funny because when we were talking after the film my mom said that while watching Valkyrie she kept wishing that the plot would succeed and that the Nazis would be overthrown. I mean really? Now that would have pissed a lot of people off! It's funny but this is the first movie of this kind that I have seen. Is this the first time they have made a film about any of the plots to overthrow the Third Reich? I do have a soft spot for WWII movies. Schindler's List, the Pianist, La Vite e Bella, Au revoir, Les Enfants,  Saving Private Ryan etc...
In any case, whatever you are doing, here is to a happy holiday!

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