Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Spicy Lemonade Cleansing time

I've decided to do the Spicy Lemonade Cleanse by Stanley Burroughs. I know, it's pretty kooky but I tried it once in college and just couldn't get past the taste of the maple syrup and the cayenne together. Luckily, this time I bought capsules to take instead! The lemonade is actually pretty tasty, also I spiked it with limes.

Why would I ever do this to myself? Well I just need a change in perspective. I used to be pretty healthy but once I started the office job I just got off track. Now people become pretty concerned when you say you are going on a juice diet but the reality of the situation is that I will be consuming about 1727 calories a day. That is hardly starving! The main thing that I am worried about is how I will cope with no protein for 10 days. Anyway, it's more about getting back in touch with the old bod instead of losing weight. Although I wouldn't mind losing a few pounds along the way ;).

I was thinking about doing a before picture but then I decided I was too shy so you will have to fill it in with your imagination! Wahooo!!!

PS I have NOT forgotten about my sweater. I'm just getting the end of project procrastination. Also, I started another scarf in a self striping yarn and a horseshoe lace pattern. Oh, and one of my friends from high school is pregnant so I guess that my baby bootie from last month with serve as a test dummy for an awesome homemade baby shower gift. Stay tuned!

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