Thursday, March 12, 2009

Day 1 on the Master Cleanse Diet

Well! So far so good. I started taking the lemonade in the middle of the day yesterday, which I know that you are not supposed to do but I figure that my body will work it out in the long run. Actually I used to fast all the time when I was more on a health kick and it was never really that hard for me. I guess it's just nice not to worry about food all the time. My worst thing is that I usually forget that I am on the diet for short periods!
Well I took the laxative tea last night and boy did it go to work! I had to chug the salt water flush really fast when I got up just so it could be my first "act" in the morning. Anyway, both were effective. Also, I think that I push something out whenever I take the Cayenne. I know gross, forget what I just said.
My energy is good! In fact I woke up very refreshed this morning at 6 AM, which NEVER happens! I like my sleep and tend to get a little more than the usual dose. I took advantage of the extra time this morning and read all my Reader articles, bought my brother his birthday gift (T-shirt of the month club at Threadless, am I not the best sister?), did some gentle yoga, and wrote a list of things to get done today. I'm just about to hang out with one of my friends and I hope that together we can figure out why exactly my door won't close. I think that it is actually the weather striping that has warped and made it impossible to lock the door from the outside. Well, in any case that is the reason that the dead bolt won't lock. The other lock is also broken, but I am sure that it is broken is such a way that I cannot fix it. Poop. 
If we do manage to fix or lock the door so that I way leave the house I was also thinking about making a sack for my folding laundry basket. My poor laundry basket is made of some horrible plastics based bag and has ripped in twine and is completely useless. Using the motto reduce, reuse, and recycle I have decided to take the foldable frame and make a new bag to hold my soiled linens. I will probably use some cheap canvas or denim to make the bag, with perhaps some fun cloth for a cute border. I'm not sure, it depends if there is a sale at Joann's and if I am able to make the bag successfully.

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