Sunday, March 15, 2009

Master Cleanse Day 4

Well! I have officially made it to day four of the Master Cleanse! This morning I woke up with lots of energy which is good because I am supposed to go to the Monterey Bay Aquarium today. Oh, that reminds me I really need to charge my battery for my camera! I just did the Salt Water Cleanse. It doesn't really get any easier, but at least it is over quickly. 
Still I think that the laxative tea from last night works really quickly with me because I have been trying to hold off the urge long enough to drink the salt water. Maybe I should take it a little later in the day? The problem might be that I have been taking it an hour or two before bed. Your body metabolizes things at such different rates when you are asleep vs. awake.
I do have a confession to make about last night. Last night I stayed up late looking at food porn. I just clicked on the Cooking Light magazine page and kept looking at all the different recipes. Now at this point in the diet I'm not really hungry but I really miss eating. In any case I am really glad no one walked in on me because they would have caught me drooling over a picture of a quiche or some chicken vindaloo recipe.

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