Saturday, March 14, 2009

End Of The Third Day of the Master Cleanse!

Today was a bit harder. I'm not sure if it was just because I woke up so early or that I couldn't get back to sleep, but I definitely felt a lot hungrier today. I suppose that makes sense. The days 2, 3, and 7 are supposed to be the hardest. I was REALLY tempted by just about everything that I saw too. I managed to hold out somehow. 
I'm also out of lemon juice and need to get some more first thing tomorrow. I think I will also look for the liquid cayenne to see if I can stomach it. It's supposed to be milder than the powered stuff, but its not really the hotness that sets me off. I just don't like the taste of the pepper and the maple syrup. It is just so gross. Oh well, if I don't like it I will have to just stick with my pepper pills, even if they don't give you the full benefit.
I did check out some of the videos of other people that have completed the Master Cleanse on youtube. Some people have done it for over a month! While I am sure that is an amazing experience I think that I will probably just stick to ten days.

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