Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Baby booties!

Baby Booties! This is my first attempt at making a baby bootie. They are pretty easy to do, but they take much more yarn than I thought! This bootie is made from the scraps from some fingerless gloves I made a few weeks ago. It's a merino silk blend and not very washer friendly, so I think that I'll just keep this one as a concept bootie rather than making a pair.
These are awesome gifts for baby showers! Just pick up some easy care yarn in a variety of colors and make a set. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The final piece!

Almost done! Just this one little piece and  I have to sew everything up. I hope that they fit together all right. If they don't I'm going to be inconsolable for a few days lol.
I'm thinking of renaming this sweater from the ugly sweater to the forever sweater. Seriously this sweater has taken over a month to finish!

Monday, February 9, 2009

New iPhone!

Sorry I haven't updated on a while. The shell is taking a long time to finish and I haven't started any otherprojects although this will probably change soon because my friend just got me a whole book of do it yourself projects! Yay!
In other news; I thought it would be best to get a cellphone after all this time without one. I got an iPhone and it is great! I can even make posts from it!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Ahh hot chocolate

I love love LOVE hot chocolate. It is so warm and delicious I just can't get enough of it. I found this little place in Saratoga yesterday that has the best drinking chocolate! It is thick with a dark chocolate base and you can get it in 4 different flavors! Yum! I tried the chili pepper and it really hits the spot on a cold lonely night. It's aptly named Saratoga Chocolates and I will definitely be making a stop there before Valentines day.

In other news, my first comment! Yay! I am so excited that this blog is actually being read!

Oh sweater, when will thy sleeves be done?

I just finished the front piece and have started with the first sleeve of the shell. Of course because the project is nearing its end I am starting to feel an urge to wonder off to other things, lol. I just hope that I can finish this sweater by the end of February so I can actually start wearing it!